Rust Embedded: Blinky - Part 2
In this part we are going to use a hal crate which abstracts away most of the boilerplate code we had to write in our raw version from Part 1. We are going to use the stm32f3
Code on GitHub.
Here is the full code example for our blinky program with the hal crate. Further down we’ll go through the code in more detail.
extern crate panic_halt;
use core::arch::asm;
use cortex_m_rt::entry;
use cortex_m_semihosting::{self, hprintln};
use stm32f3::stm32f303::{self};
fn main() -> ! {
// You should see that in your openocd output
hprintln!("Hello from Discovery");
let peripherals = stm32f303::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let rcc = &peripherals.RCC;
// Set HSI clock on|w| w.hsion().set_bit());
// Enable GPIO Port E clock
rcc.ahbenr.write(|w| w.iopeen().set_bit());
let gpioe = &peripherals.GPIOE;
// Set Pin 9 to output
gpioe.moder.write(|w| w.moder9().output());
loop {
// Read Port E Pin 9 output data register
if {
// Write to bit reset register to set Pin 9 Low
gpioe.bsrr.write(|w| w.br9().set_bit());
} else {
// Write to bit set register to set Pin 9 High
gpioe.bsrr.write(|w| w.bs9().set_bit());
unsafe {
unsafe fn delay() {
// Delay for approx 1s - found 80.000 by "brute force"
for _ in 0..80_000 {
First thing you probably noticed is the much reduced code we need to write when using the hal crate. Still we need to use the no_std
, no_main
and entry
tag, but we can omit the pointers to the registers and we do not need to use the unsafe
keyword anymore.
On to the actual implementation.
fn main() -> ! {
// You should see that in your openocd output
hprintln!("Hello from Discovery");
let peripherals = stm32f303::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let rcc = &peripherals.RCC;
// Set HSI clock on|w| w.hsion().set_bit());
// Enable GPIO Port E clock
rcc.ahbenr.write(|w| w.iopeen().set_bit());
let gpioe = &peripherals.GPIOE;
// Set Pin 9 to output
gpioe.moder.write(|w| w.moder9().output());
We still need to initialise the microcontroller and Port E. But now we can do that by leveraging the hal crate. We take the Peripherals which gives us access to the needed functions. Taking the Peripherals can only be done once in the whole program. In our case, this is not a problem, but it gets trickier as soon as you need to access a peripheral from another function or an interrupt handler. We’ll explore that in Part 3.
The nice thing about the hal is, that we do need to care about register addresses or offsets - it’s all baked in and generated from the svd file into the hal crate. We get typed and named properties which we can use to control everything - down to the bits.
loop {
// Read Port E Pin 9 output data register
if {
// Write to bit reset register to set Pin 9 Low
gpioe.bsrr.write(|w| w.br9().set_bit());
} else {
// Write to bit set register to set Pin 9 High
gpioe.bsrr.write(|w| w.bs9().set_bit());
unsafe {
The loop again is straight forward and should be self-explanatory.
Last we insert a delay of about 1s before we start the loop again.
On to Part 3 -> Rust Embedded: Blinky - Part 3